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Analysis comes after the collection of qualitative data. It is the process that helps you to make claims and provide proof to the arguments about your research question(s). 

Book and Headphones

Data Transcription

Concerning the transcription, there are a few considerations:

  • Is your transcription partial or full? It is verbatim; in Chinese or English?

  • It is helpful to include initial utterances of your participants and develop your own transcription notes

    • Whispering and pauses (may indicate that the topic is sensitive)

    • Lengthy pauses in answering a question could indicate potential disagreement

  • Leave wide margin when using computer programs (for note-taking purpose)

  • Always include the date and details of the interview and the interview context (and also who did the coding if it is group work)

  • Use a meaningful filename for effective documentation

  • You should first try to transcribe everything you recorded  before conducting analysis

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